Friday, July 22, 2011

Professional Reflexology Integrated Feet, Hands & Ears

Effective pressure is applied to the hands, feet and outer ears by the nurturing hands of the Reflexologist. It is a safe, simple, and effective method, and the client is fully clothed. Reflexology deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet, hands and ears, which correspond to all the glands, organs and parts of the body. Stimulating these reflexes properly may help many health problems in a natural way, a type of preventative maintenance.
Love to be Pampered?  Need to relax?  Stressed Out?
Need a unique present for birthday, anniversary etc? They love it!
Are you on your feet all day? Tired, sore feet? Other foot challenges?
Body Aches? Stiff joints? Slow to move?
Need a unique service for parties, fairs, weddings, showers, corporate and other events?
Rundown? Fatigued? Other health challenges?
Dancer, Runner, Teacher, Speaker, Supermarket checkoutBank Teller, Retail Sales, a senior, Your Mom or anyone else
We can help!  I'm in India Chennai +91 9884380229 or sometimes I can come to you.


Breaking down of congestion and blockages
Relaxation of nerves
Relaxation of blood vessels
More nutrients and oxygen to cells
Better cell function
Healthier Skin
Encouragement of body's self healing
Helps flush the body of toxins
General feeling of relaxation and wellbeing
Soothing caring touch
Stress management
May relieve discomfort, aches, and pains
Better mobility
Increased clarity and focus

Reflexology, especially foot reflexology is wonderful for events of all kinds. It’s pampering for employees, wedding parties, birthdays, anniversaries and good at health and other kinds of fairs so people can experience it and have a break from the event.
Why do you want Reflexology at your event?
Because people looooooooove it!   They absolutely do… and it’s good for them at the same time. Good for health, good for relaxation, good for clarity and productivity, good for stress management. Just extra good!


Is there any scientific basis to Reflexology?

In the 1890's knighted research scientist, Dr. Henry Head, proved the neurological relationship that exists between the skin and the internal organs. Nobel prize winner, Sir Charles Sherrington proved that the whole nervous system and body adjusts to a stimulus when it is applied to any part of the body.
In Germany, Dr. Alfons Cornelius observed pressure to certain spots triggered muscle contractions, changes in blood pressure, variation in warmth and moisture in the body as well as directly affecting the "psychic processes" or mental state of the patient. Currently research studies to further validate reflexology are being conducted in many countries including Switzerland, Denmark, USA and Australia. In Japan and Denmark reflexology has been incorporated into the employee health programs of several large corporations saving each company thousands of dollars annually. 
For years, one of the most frequently asked questions of Reflexologists was, "Are there any studies validating the effectiveness of Reflexology." The answer was no. During the mid 1980's Dr. Terry Oleson and Bill Flocco discussed the issue, deciding to combine their talents and resources, to conduct a Randomized Controlled Reflexology Research Study, according to the strict standards of research ethics and protocols demanded by the highest echelons of the medical research community. Over 350 Reflexology research studies on over 150 health challenges have been conducted around the world:

Other FAQ's
Does Reflexology treat disease?
NO. Reflexologists do not work with a treatment orientation; rather they are oriented to revitalizing the whole body and hence supporting the body in its own healing process.
If Reflexology does not treat disease, what can it do for me?
Reflexology is used primarily to relieve stress and tension and produce deep therapeutic relaxation. Medical doctors agree that over three fourths of our health problems can be linked to nervous and physical tension. By reducing stress and tension, reflexology improves blood and lymph circulation, strengthens the functioning of the immune system, improves assimilation of nutrition and elimination of toxins, and calms the nervous system. In these ways, reflexology facilitates the body's natural healing processes and thereby enhances the body's health and vitality.
Who can benefit from Reflexology sessions?
Everyone can benefit from Reflexology treatments. You do not have to have an illness to have Reflexology. Clients who want to alleviate stress can benefit from Reflexology. All ages can benefit from Reflexology, including children.
What can I expect at a first Reflexology session?
Clients will be asked to fill out a health history and release form. Parents must sign for children under the age of 18.  The Reflexologist will go over the form with the client and discuss how a session will be tailored to their needs. Clients are encouraged to ask questions. The first session is approximately 80 minutes, which comprises of health history discussion, the reflexology session and answering any questions at the end of the session. Followup sessions are 60 minutes.
At all sessions, clients will be asked to remove socks and shoes. The feet will be cleansed with hand wipes. Other than the removal of socks and shoes, the client is fully dressed.  The Reflexology session consists of  thumb and finger pressure as well as thumb rolling. Lotion may be used at the end of  the session. Please let the Reflexologist know if you have any allergies.
Please also let me know if you are pregnant.
What will I feel during a Reflexology session?
Many people find reflexology sessions, for the most part, very relaxing. It is not uncommon for clients to fall asleep. The pressure that is applied is always within the client's comfort range. If there are painful points on the hands/feet, these may be signs of energy blocks or congestion at the corresponding body point. It also could be due to footwear affecting that part of the foot. By taking into account the needs of a client, a reflexologist will vary the amounts of pressure on different areas.
How will I feel after a Reflexology session?
Directly after a session, clients may feel very rested and in a relaxed state of mind.
After one or two sessions your body may respond in a very definite way. Most people noticed that they have more energy, and better elimination, sleep better, and have a sense of well being. Please note how your body responds to reflexology and inform the Reflexologist so that sessions will be tailored to your specific needs.
Reflexology may help the symptoms associated with;
  • Stress and stress-related conditions
  • Tension or migraine headaches
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Insomnia
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Menstrual disorders, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), or heavy, painful, irregular periods
  • Menopause
  • Infertility
  • Constipation
  • Back Pain
  • Foot and Hand Challenges
For clients experiencing fertility issues, Reflexology has been shown to help couples to maximize health conditions to support the body prior and during pregnancy.
Reflexology is recommended as a complementary therapy to conventional medicine and does NOT replace conventional medical treatment.
How many Reflexology sessions will I need before I see results?
Clients may see results after one or two sessions. For maximum results, it is suggested that clients have one or two sessions per week for four to five consecutive weeks. Some clients like to continue with Reflexology on a regular basis for stress management, relaxation or simply because it feels so good.
Reflexology can be extremely relaxing, however if there is a part of the body that is unbalanced, the corresponding reflex point may feel  tender or sensitive whilst working to rebalance the area.This usually passes very quickly. On the whole the client/patient should find it soothing and relaxing. If at any time you find the session painful, let me know as it is important that I work within your comfort-zone.
When performed correctly, reflexology does not tickle. We have clients who have previously said that they won't let anyone touch their feet, but who have since found reflexology both enjoyable and beneficial. For people who have ticklish feet, no need to worry, the pressure more holding and firm, rather than some stroking movements as in massage.
Occasionally during a session some people may feel drowsy or tearful; these feelings will often pass quickly. Afterwards a few people may experience a runny nose or possibly a feeling of being tired or sleepy. Others may find they feel full of energy. It is good to hydrate adequately for the two days following a Reflexology session.
The majority of clients feel absolutely wonderful after the session and express it to the Reflexologist.
Is Reflexology the same as Massage, Acupressure, Acupuncture or Shiatsu?
Reflexology is not the same as massage, which involves tissue and muscle therapy to promote relaxation.
Acupuncture, Acupressure and Shiatsu are based on energy flows through the meridian energy channels and that the therapy improves the flow of ‘Chi’ by reducing or eliminating blockages.
Reflexology focuses on working and holding the reflex points affecting the nervous system connected to the whole body.
Reflexology is not advisable for - People suffering from thrombosis, Embolus, Phlebitis, Cancers of the blood, Lymphatic Cancer, Hodgkins Disease, Gangrene, Shingles (while pustules are present). Also immediately after any surgical procedure.
Current fever or infection – for example if the person has flu, as this could be passed onto the practitioner and other clients
Foot infection / injury (hand reflexology can be offered as an alternative)
High risk pregnancy – those with a history of miscarriage
Certain points are avoided in the first 3 months of pregnancy
Uncontrolled heart conditions
Anyone with severe undiagnosed pain – person advised to seek advice from GP first.
Would you come to me?
Depending on where you are, sometimes I will travel to the client.  I do charge a fee for a home visit (to allow for extra time and transport costs)


Holistic Health is attending to the health of the body, mind and spirit, and understanding the effect each one has on the other. Keeping in balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually brings the "whole" into balance.


I am an experienced RN and Hypnotherapist and can help you with Lifestyle Management, Stress management, Health & Wellness, Stage Fright, Stop Smoking, Finding your Path, Purpose, Direction, Career, Self-Confidence, Talent Enhancement, Passing Exams and more.
Call me NOW  818-754-2556 or email me via Contact page.  I'm happy to answer your questions.
In my sessions I use relaxation techniques, visualization, guided imagery, positiver suggestion, anchors and others.
A state of intense concentration combined with total relaxation.
Age old natural and nurturing process of relaxation, focus, suggestion, visualization and other techniques. All we have learnt is stored in the subconscious mind which is accessed through hypnosis. It is about your own control of yourself, your mind and body and using your imagination. A hypnotherapist is there as a guide for using this tool and, as with any profession, having a good rapport with your practitioner is important.
Almost all children use self-hypnosis in imaginative play. Your practitioner will teach you self-hypnosis skills to take home so you can take charge of your health program. Self-hypnosis is an easy technique to help enhance the quality of your life and can be done in as little as 5 minutes or up to 30 minutes repeated in your daily routine. Repetition works well with the subconscious mind to reform habits, fears and emotions.
What happens in a hypnotherapy session?
I’ve first talked to you by phone or in person to find out what you are coming in for and talked a little with you. When you arrive at my office I welcome you and give you some paperwork to fill out which consists of an intake form with your contact information and a few questions to help me know you a little better.
We sit together to talk a little more in depth about what you want , what you expect out of the session, your goals, and anything that you think has been stopping you from reaching them.
I’ll ask you if you have experienced hypnosis before and how it was for you. I might ask you for words that you like or that you respond well to.
If necessary I’ll give you a brief synopsis about how hypnosis works and how it can help you..
Then we will go through a short easy exercise for you to see the power of your own imagination.
Once that's all finished, I have a wonderful comfortable chair in my office that you’ll be able to sit in and just relax. There will be a guided relaxation exercise to relax the body and another one to help relax the mind. These feel great and everyone seems to really enjoy them.
Once relaxed, we use deepening, visualization (seeing in the mind’s eye or imagining), guided imagery and positive suggestion as well as other techniques to help you go deeper, and to see and feel in a way that relates to what you came in for..Nurturing, positive and goal oriented suggestions are given. I'll teach you some self hypnosis, and then I gently help you wake up a little and we talk about the session. I'll remind you how to to use self hypnosis and to use it regularly before our next session, so that you can more rapidly and consistently reach your goal/s.
You leave the office feeling relaxed, refreshed and  ready to go! What a wonderful way to  jumpstart your life and get to the next level! You might be surprised at how hypnotherapy  helps you on so many levels.

Cell: +91 9884380229

Healing Choices Your Guide to Complementary and Alternative Healthcare

The purpose of “Healing Choices” is to help you learn the modalities (therapies) that are available to you.
The information that you receive will give you the freedom and courage to make changes and take responsibility for your own holistic healthcare.

The butterfly teaches us that patience brings its rewards and as long as we keep working
and developing ourselves the final glorious butterfly stage will come.
It is the pure symbol of transformation and represents change, greater freedom and courage.

What is Holistic Healthcare?
Holistic healthcare includes natural, alternative, integrative and complementary medicine.  When alternative medicine is used with conventional medicine in a fully coordinated approach to patient care, this is referred to as complementary medicine, integrative medicine or holistic healthcare. Complementary, integrative and holistic healthcare is based on a physician-patient partnership in which both conventional and alternative modalities are used to stimulate the body’s natural healing potential. This enlightened approach to diagnosis and treatment brings together the best of all traditions and has the advantage of putting an increased emphasis on disease prevention and general wellness

Holistic healthcare addresses the whole person’s mind, body, and spirit in the healing process.

Holistic healthcare involves the everyday choices we make and actions we take as we strive to reach a higher level of personal wellness. A holistic approach to creating wellness includes taking charge of our own health by exploring a variety of life enhancing activities until we discover which ones work for us. While we think of holistic healthcare in terms of our personal actions for self-improvement, the same holistic principles can be used to deal with any disease or chronic condition. The holistic approach or philosophy can be applied to any healthcare healing tradition, whether conventional, complementary, or alternative.

The surge of interest in complementary and alternative medicine at the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21stcentury is apparent from the increased use of alternative healthcare therapies by patients. More people are combining conventional medicine and alternative treatments in their search for better health and wellness. The increasing demand for these treatments stems, in part, from the public's concerns regarding the accessibility of healthcare, its rising costs, and the view that conventional medicine often has of disease. Holistic practitioners do not want passive patients; they teach their patients to take responsibility for their own health. This approach tends to be cost-effective in the treatment and prevention of illness or disease and is essential for optimal health.


  • A study conducted by the Harvard Medical School has shown that complementary and alternative medicine has become a permanent part of medicine. Harvard reported that visits to practitioners of alternative therapies, ranging from herbal medicine to energy healing, have increased 47 percent since 1990, propelled chiefly by mature, health-conscious baby boomers. Healthcare professionals, including physicians, trained in oriental medicine, for example, will increase to 24,000 by the year 2010. The number of chiropractors will nearly double from 55,000 to 103,000. (Healthcare Review, March 13,2003 by Todd Hanson)
  • According to a survey published in 2001 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the number of Americans using alternative therapies rose from 60 million in 1990 to 83 million in 1997. Many of these therapies have been used for centuries, but they lost favor with the advent of conventional medicine. Today, four out of ten Americans use some form of complementary or alternative medicine, and some projections speculate that by the year 2010 at least two-thirds will. (Psychology Today, March 2001, Guide to Natural Health by Norine Dworkin)
  • Most medical schools now offer coursework in alternative medicine, and increasing numbers of managed care organizations provide benefits for such therapies. At Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, for example, alternative therapies enhance each patient's quality of life through healing regimes that address the body, mind, and spirit. Complimentary therapies offered include various types of massage, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, meditation, visualization, music therapy, and nutritional counseling. Patients are also offered classes in yoga, tai chi, and chair aerobics. (Healthcare Review, March 18, 2003, by Todd Hanson)

As complementary medicine becomes more popular, distinctions between it and conventional (western) medicine will become clearer. Today there is an increasing trend in our society to look outside the usual, old, conventional medicine, also referred to as Western or allopathic medicine, to find answers for healthcare problems. Conventional medicine is still preferred in the treatment of trauma and emergencies. For example; if you have a broken arm, you would have the bone set by a conventional doctor. Then you might seek a complementary method of therapy instead of drugs to help manage the pain.

A therapy is referred to as complementary when it is used in addition to conventional treatment. Alternative therapy is used instead of conventional treatment. Alternative practitioners often find that symptoms are related to seemingly distant causes, such as toxicity, digestion, or mental and emotional health. When such causes are discovered, treatment can be determined. Complementary and alternative therapies—referred to as modalities—are used to prevent illness, reduce stress, prevent or reduce side effects of conventional treatments and symptoms, and control or cure disease.

Healing is not just about curing. It takes much more than medicine and machinery to fully heal a person.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) classifies complementary and alternative medicine therapies into five categories:

  • Alternative medical systems. These systems are built on complete systems of theory and practice and include holistic medicine and naturopathic medicine; developed in the Western culture and Chinese medicine and Ayurveda medicine; developed in ancient Eastern cultures.
  • Mind-body intervention. This uses a variety of techniques to enhance the mind’s capacity to affect the body’s functions and systems. Techniques include cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, prayer, mental healing, and art, music, and dance therapy.
  • Biologically-based therapies. These therapies use substances found in nature, such as herbs, foods, and vitamins, and include dietary supplements, herbal products, and natural substances.
  • Manipulative and body-based methods. These methods heal using the movement of one or more body parts and may include chiropractic, osteopathic manipulation, and massage.
  • Energy therapies. There are two types of therapies that use energy fields. Bio-field therapy manipulates our bio-fields by applying pressure and/or manipulating the body by placing hands in, or through, these fields. Qigong, reiki, and therapeutic and healing touch are included in this type of therapy. Bio-electromagnetic-based therapies involve the unconventional use of electromagnetic fields, such as pulsed fields, magnetic fields, or direct current fields. 

Complementary and alternative medicine are now being accepted and integrated into conventional healthcare. There is an increasing interest by physicians and hospitals in addressing growing consumer demands for non-conventional healthcare practices. But to those unfamiliar with complementary and alternative medicine, the variety of modalities can be confusing. It is difficult to know what type of treatment is right for you and your particular health challenge.

In April of 2000, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. In addition to feeling devastated, I found myself frustrated and confused. I wanted more than conventional medicine could offer me, but I didn’t know anything about complementary or alternative treatments. I did, however, have time to do some research prior to having surgery. I found information, but it was too complex for me to understand at the time I needed it so badly. As I stood beside other people looking for answers on the shelves of books in the bookstores or libraries, I felt overwhelmed by the volume of information. I soon realized that I was not alone. After many months of research I found my own answers, but soon I realized that there was nothing in onepublication or one Internet site that gave all the information I needed to make an informed decision about my healthcare. I needed a guide.

After three years of research I created this guide to help you avoid the confusion and frustration I felt and to provide you with the information that you need for your healthcare decisions.

This guide is not a book that you might read from cover to cover. It’s a mini-encyclopedia of alternative healthcare modalitiesand information. It is also a work in progress.

These are the things I know today. Tomorrow I am going to learn more.
“Your decision to try something new must come from knowledge, not from desperation and fear.”

                                                                         Dr.VS.Suresh Phd.,